
Well, hello!

I’m Lisa Marie, a writer, marketer, recovering perfectionist, say-it-as-it-is, sorry-not-sorry, anti-guru and your bestie in the world of life coaching. Especially if you’re in the middle season of life and were told, “It’s too late for you.”

I live in the Netherlands with my husband Chi and have two wonderful step-children. Negotiations are ongoing for some fur babies but I’ll keep you updated about that. I’m a Sagittarius, an introvert, a questioner, a creative, information addict (you know the saying curiosity killed the cat, well this cat is still living her nine lives), traveller, home-cook and life coach down to my core.
There were a few things I was very sure about from a very young age. I always dreamed of travelling around the world, writing a book and being my own boss. Funny enough I also had this feeling that I would one day live in a place surrounded by lots of water. And now I’m in the land of canals.

So, how did I get here?

Well, it wasn’t a straight line to happiness, it hardly ever is. I used to be shy, stuck, and miserable, trapped in a job I hated. Even though my being was telling me I could never sit in a cubicle taking orders from someone else, still I did it. Fear, lack of knowledge, confidence and self-esteem kept me back. Until one day I finally made a decision for MYSELF. I decided to change my habits, routines and thoughts to create the life I love.

The truth is I only started directing my own life in my early forties. I’ve read every self-help book so you don’t have to. I put the learning into practice and transformed my mindset and my habits. Through meditation, journaling, exercise, yoga, and positive affirmations, I built my self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. This newfound confidence gave me the courage to write again in my own voice, without worrying about others’ opinions.

Today, I’m proud to say I’ve taken control of my life. I married the love of my life, am building a business I love and travel often. By the way, I got married at 45, and moved to another continent, adapted to a new work culture and started learning Dutch. If anyone has ever told you or made you feel like you’re getting left behind or your dreams can’t come true. I’m here to call bullsh%t on that.

Man and women on their wedding day

Ever feel like you’ve fallen behind in life, and now it’s too late to…

Start your business
Find your passion
Write your book
Get in shape
Travel the world… or…

[insert your big dream here]

According to a global survey of over 5,000 people, a whopping 50% of women say they’ve given up on their dreams. And over 78% of Americans regret not pursuing theirs!

But that doesn’t have to be YOUR story.

Where are we going?

As a writer, my goal is to inspire and help others bloom in every season of their lives. In fact, I started a newsletter called Blooming Late, to a build a community for people like us. The ones who bloom fashionably late and are fabulous none the less. The aim is to build a community where we motivate, inspire, and transform our lives together.

I believe it’s never too late to start creating the life you’ve always dreamed of, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.
Whether you’re looking to boost your self-esteem, find your voice, or simply live a more fulfilling and authentic life, I’m here to help you BLOOM.

Join me on this journey, and let’s create the life you love together!

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